It can’t happen here

You have the sad sight of ambitious, unprincipled, obsequious followers summoned by a criminal defendant, the self-proclaimed avatar of retribution, already found guilty of fraud several times over, adjudicated to have sexually assaulted a woman in a high-end department store, and then defaming her as a liar, shirking their public duties to rail, outside the courthouse where their boss is on trial, against the totally unfair judicial system of the country that is about to vote and theoretically put their contemptuous master back in the White House.

You have an actual Nazi on the Supreme Court (not the Black Klansman this time) flying the distress flag in front of his house for days after the January 6 riot in support of the defeated insurrectionist president, in solidarity with the insane lie that the guy who lost by seven million votes was the victim of massive bipartisan fraud, stabbed in the back by RINOs who pretended to follow the so-called law instead of “finding” the requested votes. This fly encrusted piece of shit, Sam Alito by name, who defended himself imbecilically, in an account peppered with lies, about why the flag was upside down outside his house for a brief few days after the insurrection (his wife did it, the neighbors are vicious, his children were in danger), will cast an unappealable vote to decide whether his leader is immune from all prosecution for anything he did while president, including planning and calling for the violent attack on the Capitol while uttering the word “peace” a few times during his long, vehement, lying incitement speech.

This unbiased justice flew an upside down flag to publicly show his solidarity with the boss and his claim to retain power, legal or not, he and his wife simply love what he stands for.

Here’s a sixty second snapshot of our historical moment:

Life during the fight for American Nazism

During the rise of an irrationally-based power grab by fascists, everything you can think of will be weaponized, forcing a relentless, exhausting stream of irrational choices on the populace. Every issue, no matter how insignificant, will be framed in BLACK and WHITE, an existential battle between good and evil, the Nazis representing good and everyone else the vicious or unwitting tool of cunning, deadly evil. A pliant corporate media, driven by an unslakable lust for profit, will treat both sides as having legitimate points. In the name of fairness you get shit like this:

Mothers Against Drunk Driving will be holding a public meeting tonight at 8 pm. Mothers For Drunk Driving is demanding the right to debate, and present their equally compelling point of view. Baseball bats, bear spray, sharpened flagpoles, clubs, firearms, knives, whips, brass knuckles, acid, burning torches, pitchforks, hatchets and all homemade weapons permitted. Fighting is encouraged. Refreshments will be served.

And God bless these United Shayyyssshh

How long before the New York Times is accused of anti-Semitism?

There are anti-Semites, plenty of them, millions of these creatures, everywhere. These hateful fucks have always been around and always will be around. There are also many critics of inhuman policies by the coalition of violent extremists and cynics currently running the Jewish State. Some of these critics are anti-Semites, no doubt. Some of these critics are humanitarians who are not anti-Semites.  Many of these critics are Jews, who, like me, hold our people to the moral standards we are all supposed to live by.

This headline is an uncharacteristically bold statement by the New York Times, we’ll have to keep track of the blowback on this one, eh?  I can hardly wait to see which White Christian nationalist American Nazi is the first to angrily accuse the Grey Lady of vicious anti-Semitism.  Hopefully they won’t give the Nazi salute as they do so, though it would be kind of funny if they did. Hitlerious, actually.

Lying liars lie, no lie

The great Heather Cox Richardson, reporting on a recent MAGA lie. It is worth noting that using bold, infuriating lies to influence public opinion was raised to an art form by the Nazi Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propogana:

The cowboy myth emphasized dominance over the Indigenous Americans and Mexicans allegedly attacking white settlers from the East. On Friday an impressive piece of reporting from Jude Joffe-Block at NPR untangled the origins of a story pushed by Republicans that Democrats were encouraging asylum seekers to vote illegally for President Joe Biden in 2024, revealing that the story was entirely made up.  

The story broke on X, formerly Twitter, on April 15, when the investigative arm of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, which promises to provide “aggressive oversight” of the Biden administration, posted photos of what it claimed were flyers from inside portable toilets at a migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, that said in broken Spanish: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.” The tweet thread got more than 9 million views and was boosted by Elon Musk, X’s owner.

But the story was fabricated. The flyer used the name of a small organization that helps asylum seekers, along with the name of the woman who runs the organization. She is a U.S. citizen and told Joffe-Block that her organization has “never encouraged people to vote for anyone.” Indeed, it has never come up because everyone knows noncitizens are not eligible to vote. The flyer had outdated phone numbers and addresses, and its Spanish was full of errors. Migrants who are staying at the encampment as they wait for their appointments to enter the U.S. say they have never seen such flyers, and no one has urged them to vote for Biden.

Digging showed that the flyer was “discovered” by the right-wing video site Muckraker, which specializes in “undercover” escapades. The founder of Muckraker, Anthony Rubin, and his brother, Joshua Rubin, had shown up at the organization’s headquarters in Matamoros asking to become volunteers for the organization; they and their conversation were captured on video, and signs point to the conclusion that they planted the flyers. 

Nonetheless, Republicans ran with the story. Within 12 hours after the fake flyer appeared on X, Republican representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Dan Bishop (R-NC) brought posters of it to Congress, and Republicans made it a centerpiece of their insistence that Congress must pass a new law against noncitizen voting. Rather than being protected by modern-day cowboys, the woman who ran the organization that helps asylum seekers got death threats.


Klan mom’s position on MAGA Mike

MAGA Marjie, aka Klan Mom, one of the angriest, most confrontational and arguably dumbest members of Congress, brought her motion to oust MAGA Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House today.  The motion failed 359-43, as representatives took turns shaking Johnson’s hand during the ten minutes of Klan Mom’s impassioned speech against the tyranny of the “uniparty,” her disparaging name for anything bipartisan or cooperative.  All she wanted was reasonable to-the-death partisanship.  Here’s the Grey Lady’s summary of her principled stand against MAGA Mike:

Among the demands were cutting off all future U.S. aid to Ukraine, defunding the Justice Department and imposing a 1 percent across the board cut on all spending bills if lawmakers are unable to negotiate a deal to fund the government in September.

Why give money to Ukraine when they are fighting the man who did so much to put the big guy in the White House in 2016, tried again in 2020 and is dedicated to the same great patriot, now the leader of the MAGA GOP, in 2024? The Justice Department is a despicable, corrupt partisan tool in the hands of the evil Marxist Biden traitors, best to defund it until the good guys take over again in 2025. As for a government shut down — let’s just do it! Government sucks ass!!!

Anyway, as I begin drafting my concise letter to New York’s senators and my Congressman about why fucking Looey DeJoy is still the postmaster, and has now fully crippled the US Mail Service (draft of the letter will be here in the next few days), here’s a couple of nice shots of the cross-fit chaos agent, still a viable VP pick for the dozy orange felon.

Why nobody does it better than Heather

Jerry Garcia is supposed to have said that you shouldn’t try to be the best at something a lot of people are doing. You should try to be the only one doing what you do. That describes Heather Cox Richardson, historian, writer and incomparable reporter.

She has the greatest gift for setting things in clear perspective, often with a historical analog, a haunting echo of the past, presenting the most consistently important contemporary reporting. Her May 7 account of American law’s current struggle to contain a brazen gang of determined maniacs cuts to the point, over and over.

It begins:

The past two days of former president Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, to silence her before the 2016 election have been illuminating in different ways.

Yesterday, witnesses established that the paper trail of payments to Trump fixer Michael Cohen, who forwarded the money to Daniels, had been falsified. That paper trail included invoices, checks, and records. Witnesses also established that Trump micromanaged his finances, making it hard to believe he didn’t know about the scheme. 

That scheme looked like this: Former Trump Organization employee Jeffrey McConney said that Trump’s former financial chief Allen Weisselberg, who has gone to jail twice in two years for his participation in Trump’s financial schemes and is there now, told him to send money to Cohen. Cohen had paid Daniels $130,000 from a home equity loan in 2016 to buy her silence about a sexual encounter with Trump. Cohen received 11 checks totaling $420,000 in repayment, including enough money to cover the taxes he would have to pay for claiming the payments as income for legal services, and a bonus. 

Nine of those checks came from Trump’s personal bank account. His team sent the checks to him at the White House for his personal signature. 

A number of observers have suggested that the evidence presented through documents yesterday was not riveting, but historians would disagree. Exhibit 35 was Cohen’s bank statement, on which Weisselberg had written the numbers to reflect the higher payment necessary to cover Cohen’s tax bill for the money. Exhibit 36 was a sheet of paper on which McConney had recorded in his own hand how the payments to Cohen would work. The sheet of paper had the TRUMP logo on it. 

“It’s rare to see folks put the key to a criminal conspiracy in writing,” legal analyst Joyce White Vance wrote in Civil Discourse, “but here it is. It’s great evidence for the prosecution.” 


Subscribe to her email. She sends one of these concise, clear-headed, timely letters from an American every single night.

Nazi logic American style

In order to have a smoothly running totalitarian state, absolute obedience to the will of the leader is essential. It is impossible for an army to efficiently carry out obscene orders if individual officers and soldiers are allowed to have their own subjective moral opinions about right and wrong. Authority flows top down and loyalty is rewarded, until a sacrifice is needed, in which case it will be undertaken willingly, in the name of protecting the infallible leader. If your leader is, God forbid, on trial for a specific set of illegal acts, shift the legal focus from the acts in question to a series of academic future hypotheticals. Why dwell on, or indeed allow discussion of, anything that will make the leader look as guilty as he appears to be? That would be self-sabotage of the worst kind.

There is a universe, offers Trump’s attorney, in an excellent impression of the insane Robert F. Kennedy Jr., where this would be an official presidential act entitled to absolute immunity from prosecution. I don’t recall Justice Sotomayor asking Mr. Sauer under what Bizzarro World situation this could be an official act. After all, if the guy is corrupt, there is a justice system in place, unless the corrupt political rival is somehow above the law…

As for the defense of murder of a political rival as an official presidential act, I guess Sauer’s argument would go like this: lets say, for example, that the defeated president truly and honestly believes the candidate who defeated him is an evil vampire who drinks the blood of innocent white Christian children while he diddles them.   After all, no less than the brilliant, respected Alan Dershowitz made the arguably not demented argument at one of Trump’s impeachment trials that if the president, or presidential candidate, truly, honestly believes something that nothing he does in connection with that truly held belief can ever be against the law.  After all, führerworte haben gesetzeskraft, as German legal experts used to say during the Thousand Year Reich.

The leader’s word, you understand, has the force of law. Every one of the leader’s farts, the force of prophecy. The leader’s temper tantrums — irrefutable directives from a higher power. Ask anyone who has been in the courtroom with Leader Trump, as he nonchalantly catches a few winks while his vicious enemies weakly flail away, trying to unfairly destroy him. Ask particularly about the prophetic farts…

Opening remarks before an illegitimate 6-3 extremist court

This is the brief opening statement by John Sauer, attorney for criminal defendant/movant Donald Trump,setting the stage for moving the court to create a new doctrine that would protect the criminal ex-president from prosecution for any of the many crimes he committed while in office.

I have rebutted each of his asinine talking points.

Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the court, without presidential immunity from criminal prosecution there can be no presidency as we know it.  

This statement is a lie.   It is also called rhetoric or puffery, part of the lawyer’s art of persuasion.  At bottom it is plainly false.  Asserting that a right that never existed has always been essential is a cynical and ballsy opening move.  Claiming that a president’s preemptive and eternal immunity from accountability for criminal behavior is a precondition for preserving a centuries’ old institution is as perverse and audacious a lie as can be told.  

For 234 years of American history no president was ever prosecuted for his official act. 

That is because for 234 years, no American president, with the exception of Richard Nixon, was ever in danger of being prosecuted for any act, official or otherwise, committed while in office.  All were constrained by law and the fear of punishment after leaving office. Trump was the first lawless, recklessly criminally inclined president in 234 years.  

He insists now on his right to be an untouchable mob boss.  And as for Richard Nixon, he accepted a pardon  to shield himself from prosecution, even knowing as a lawyer that he was accepting the equivalent of a guilty plea in exchange for the pardon.   Even though Nixon never accepted responsibility for his criminal activity in the White House, he knew the law, his criminal exposure and likelihood of conviction and took the necessary steps to protect himself.  No previous president risked committing outright crimes because they knew they would be prosecuted for them, particularly by their political adversaries, once they were private citizens again. In Trump’s twisted little mind Nixon’s only crime was that his balls weren’t big enough to get away with whatever he wanted to do. If the president believes it’s right, it cannot be a crime. Dershowitz belched up that old Nazi chestnut one of the times they impeached Trump.

The framers of our constitution viewed an energetic executive as essential to securing liberty.  

The framers of our constitution viewed the American chief executive as the opposite of a Divine Right right king, the unaccountable tyrant they had overthrown to form the new nation, the world’s first democracy.  The crucial requirement for a democratic leader is being accountable to the constitution and the laws of the land. That would’ve been understood among the framers of our constitution as nonnegotiable. Nobody can make a coherent argument against that self-evident proposition,  dig up fucking Antonin Scalia and he’d say the same.

If a president can be charged, put on trial and imprisoned for his most controversial decisions as soon as he leaves office, that looming threat will distort the president’s decision making precisely when bold and fearless action is most needed.

There is no threat whatsoever to any president other than the single one, Trump, the man making the argument before the Supreme Court.  Only Trump openly employed criminal means to achieve illegal ends– in this case overruling the will of 81,000,000 Americans, and a robust Electoral College majority, to overturn their constitutional choice for president.  It was bold and fearless of Trump to spend $50 million promoting the lie that the election had been stolen from him. The Big Lie he vigorously promoted he knew very well was a lie, he had been informed numerous times that it was a lie, he didn’t care.   

It was bold and fearless of Trump to urge a mob of angry followers that he had stirred to violence, a mob directed from a war room manned by Bannon, Kerik, Giuliani, Eastman et al, coordinated with Roger Stone, Mike Q-Anon Flynn and the Proud Boys, among others, a mob it turns out Trump knew was armed, and sent to the Capitol to violently stop the certification of his electoral loss. These things are all indictable and very serious criminal offenses, part of an octopus armed conspiracy to violate the law and the constitution to overthrow the rule of democracy. They are bold and fearless crimes no sane president would dare contemplate.

Every current president will face de facto blackmail and extortion by his political rivals while he is still in office.

Also simply a lie.  Additionally, Trump is the only kind of politician who routinely blackmails and extorts his political rivals.

The implications of the court’s decision here extend far beyond the facts of this case.   

They will extend far into the future, and harmfully influence it. But as for the present and the past, they extend only to the facts of this case. The Nixon case is moot now. The only other case that is comparable to the hypotheticals in this case are the exact facts of the Trump case the prissy Nazis on the court are all dancing around daintily.  To my chagrin, from the extended excerpts I heard,  what I heard my most trusted legal pundits talking about, even the non-Nazi justices did not directly and thoroughly address the stinking 50,000 pound orange turd in the room. For some reason the underlying facts of the case that brought the controversy to the Supreme Court were barely alluded to in all the academic “hypotheticals”.

Could president George W. Bush have been sent to prison for instructing an official proceeding or allegedly lying to Congress to induce war in Iraq? Could president Obama be charged with murder for killing US citizens abroad in a drone strike?  Could president Biden someday be charged with unlawfully inducing Come on immigrants to enter the country illegally for his border policies? 

This Biden query, ostensibly added in fairness to the current president, is a particularly nauseating and gratuitous bit of Koch network “fuck you, Biden.”  The other cases pose legitimate questions for democracy and both should’ve been investigated as criminal acts, or at least challenged as things future presidents would be on notice were out of bounds for presidents to do.

 The answer to all these questions is no. 

Wrong answer, moron.

Prosecuting the president for his official acts is an innovation with no foothold in history or tradition and incompatible with our constitutional structure.

False and false.

The original meaning of the executive vesting clause, the framers understanding and intent and unbroken historical tradition, spanning 200 years and policy considerations rooted in the separation of powers, all counsel against it. 

They all counsel strongly for holding a criminal president to account, counselor. 

I welcome the court’s questions. 

We have no questions for you, nor will we hold your bald-faced lying against you, you’re one of us. We will give you everything you ask for because we’re all on the same team, buddy.  And you have to love a man with balls as big as yours going for broke, brazenly doubling down on transparent lies and sweating it out to be a real bare-knuckle brawl winner like our indomitable sponsor Mr. Koch!